Friday, October 31

Voice Of Truth - Casting Crowns

Life transformation

i think the story is quite amazing.. it's a really big change for this guy.. see, how much God can touch a person, how much God can change one's heart.. amazing!

Wednesday, October 29

Here I am, Oh God I bring this sacrifice – my open heart. I offer up my life. I look to You, Lord Your love that never ends Restores me again

So I lift my eyes to You, Lord In Your strength will I break through, Lord Touch me now, let Your love fall down on me I know Your love dispels all my fears.

Through the storm I will hold on Lord And by faith, I will walk on, Lord Then I’ll see beyond my calvary one day, And I will be complete in You

Tuesday, October 28

wad's the purpose of ur life? why are u even living in this world? just to eat, work, live and die? lol.. i have found mine quite some time ago.. u too, should go and find the purpose of your life.. =)

Monday, October 27

He Loved You So Much!

Jesus died what might be the most excruciatingly painful death ever endured by a man. A crown of thorns was crushed into His head, blood running into his eyes, nose, and mouth, blinding and choking Him. Nails were driven through His hands and feet. As the cross was dropped cruelly into its socket in the ground, His flesh tore with searing pain. A spear pierced His side. Blood emptied from every wound until each cell in His body screamed for water and nourishment.

But, incredible as it may seem, He endured still greater pain than this.

Remember, though fully man, He was also perfect God. He could not endure to look on sin with any semblance of approval. Now, he actually bore our sin in His own body on the tree. He became sin for us.

All mankind’s awful sins were placed on Jesus’ perfect person so that Father God had to turn His back on Jesus the Son, through no fault of either of them.

From eternity past the Son had always been in perfect loving harmony with God the Father.

Now, He had to cry out in the most awful distress, My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? (Mark 15:34) We can’t begin to fathom the terrible agony that all this entailed for both of them.

Jesus experienced immeasurable moral imperfection replacing the absolute moral perfection that had always been His from eternity. This was pain beyond imagining and God the Father’s limitless love for Him was reduced to total rejection. This was inner pain unfathomable.

Such suffering beyond understanding or expression, He suffered for you!

Who (Jesus) bore our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes you were healed. (I Peter 2:24).

He has made him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. (I Corinthians 5:21).

Therefore, we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard. . . How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation. (Hebrews 2:1-3).

The Price of Love

There was once a big turntable bridge spanning a large river.

Most of the time, the bridge sat with its length running parallel to the river so ships could pass freely on both sides of it.

Whenever a train was expected, the bridge was turned to cross the river, then locked securely in position to allow the train safe passage.

A switchman sat in a little shack on one side of the river. From there he could operate the controls.

One evening the switchman turned to the controls to allow the last train of the day to cross. He got the bridge into position without difficulty. But, to his horror, the locking

mechanism wouldn’t work. Unless the tracks locked securely, the train would surely jump the track and go crashing into the river with its cargo of human passengers. For just such an emergency there was a manual locking lever on the far side of the river.

Knowing there was no time to waste, he hurried to it. But to get it to work, he had to hold the lever firmly in position as the train roared on.

Then he heard a sound that made his blood run cold: “Daddy, where are you?” His four-year-old son was crossing the bridge to look for him.

The father’s first impulse was to call to the child, “Run! Run!” But the train was too close, the tiny legs would never get the child across the bridge in time.

Oh, how he wanted to let go the lever, snatch the child into his arms and carry him to safety. But he’d never make it back to the lever on time. Either the people in the train or his little son must die.

His heart breaking, he held the lever in position until the train passed safely.

No one aboard was aware of the tiny, broken body thrown mercilessly into the river by the rushing train. Nor were they aware of the pitiful figure of the sobbing man still clinging tightly to the lever. They didn’t see the grief-stricken father dragging himself home to tell his wife he had sacrificed their son to save the train load of passengers he didn’t even know.

Now, imagine what our loving heavenly Father must have felt when he sacrificed his perfect Son to save even those who reject Him and His love?

Love indeed.

Love beyond comprehension.

Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us. . . . In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him. Here in is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation (sacrifice) for our sins. . . . We love him because he first loved us. (I John 3:1; 4:9-11,19). that's a personality test.. i'm SD.. haha.. what are u? i think this test results is somewhat true except for the i am fond of animals that part, and very good with children.. and the part that i like literature, writing, animals..

Sensitive Doer (SD)

Sensitive Doers are gentle, modest and reserved persons. They cope well with everyday life and like their privacy. With their quiet, optimistic nature, they are also good, sought-after listeners and other people feel well in their company. All in all, this type is the most likeable and friendliest of all personality types. Tolerance and heir regard for others distinguish their personality. They are very caring, generous and always willing to help. They are open to and interested in everything that is new or unknown to them. However, if their inner value system or their sense of justice is hurt, Sensitive Doers can suddenly and surprisingly become forceful and assertive.sensitive Doer Sensitive Doers enjoy the comforts life offers to the full. They are very happy in everyday life. Sensitive Doers are often gifted artists or very good craftsmen. Creativity, imagination and an especially keen perception are just a few of their strong points. Sensitive Doers are very presence-oriented; long-term planning and preparations do not appeal to them. They take life as it comes and react flexibly to daily demands. They do not like too much routine and predictability. Their talents come more to the fore when work processes are variable and there are not so many rules. Sensitive Doers like to work alone; if they are part of a team, they do not get involved in competitive or power games and prefer living and working together harmoniously and openly. Sensitive Doers are completely satisfied with a small, close circle of friends as their need for social contacts is not very marked. Here, too, they avoid conflicts - quarrels and disputes put considerable strain on them. Sensitive Doers are often very fond of animals and are very good with small children. As partner, this type is loyal and reliable and is willing to invest a lot in a relationship. Mutual respect and tolerance are very important to Sensitive Doers. Their love of pleasure makes them a pleasant companion with whom one can experience intensive moments. They like to look after their partner with attentiveness and small gifts and are very sensitive to the partner’s needs - often more than to their own. However, should they meet the wrong person, they run the risk of being taken advantage of. They are then deeply disappointed.

Adjectives which describe your type

introverted, practical, emotional, spontaneous, sensitive, peace-loving, reserved, gentle, good-natured, independent, empathetic, friendly, playful, carefree, sympathetic, relaxed, quiet, modest, pleasure-loving, loyal, obliging, caring, helpful, optimistic

These subjects could interest you

art, music, craftwork, garden work, animals, nature, literature, drawing/painting, astrology, spiritual things, meditation, music, handicrafts, writing

Friday, October 24

tagged by Nic. perhaps i'm just to bored, that's why i am willing to do this... lol.. a) Answer the questions below, do a Google Image search with your answer, take a picture from the first page of results, and do it with minimal words of explanation. b) Tag 5 other people to do the same once you’ve finished answering every question. 1) The age you will be on your next birthday: -and the worst thing is that it'll be during A levels, this really is my worst birthday man.. - i've always dreamt of turning 18 or 16 when i was younger, but when the time really comes, it doesn't seem much of a difference.. 2) A place you will like to travel to: to brazil to see the jesus statue.. but the place i really wish to go is.. korea!! 3) Your favourite place: this should be our favourite place ba.. every saturday we'll be here.. 4) Your favourite food: yoshi salmon!! anything spicy! laksa, curry noodles.. 5) Your favourite pet: they just look cute.. i dun really like to own a pet.. cuz they may bite, they bark(so noisy), and they anyhow excrete.. 6) Your favourite colour combination: omg.. this room is super beautiful!! looks like my dream room.. gorgeous!! 7) Your favourite piece of clothing: office wear! haha.. those who know me well enough will know.. 8) Your all time favourite song: just any praise and worship songs will do.. there's too many to be named... 9) Your all time favourite TV show: any shows la.. but i like those kinda shows that features police/nurse/doctors.. 10) The town in which you live: i'm the sengkang girl.. (this is what some ppl call me -.-) i can't find any nice pics for sengkang... 11) Your screen name / nickname: they call me kong jie... in other words, air stewardess.. and the meaning behind this, shall not be mentioned.. =) the air stewardess in this picture is very pretty.. 12) Your first job: i'll never wanna do it again... that's so tiring.. 13) Your dream job: policewoman or nurse but given my current grades, this dream job is vanished.. =) 14) A bad habit you have: this one i think u all know what it means.. this is not exactly a habit. cuz i also dun want it.. [thnx to the apinun, ppl start saying i peirce my nose] notice what the girl is doing? cannot see nvm.. but i realise this is a bad habit.. lol.. the rest shall not be mentioned.. [thnx to the bubble tea] 15) Your worst fear: insects!! any kind of insects! they are so yucky.. 16) The one thing you will like to do before you die: i would like to go on a mission trip..

Thursday, October 23 i love all the videos.. very impactful..

Sunday, October 19

Chris Tomlin - How Can I Keep From Singing

There is an endless song Echoes in my soul I hear the music ring And though the storms may come I am holding on To the rock I cling Chorus: How can I keep from singing Your praise How can I ever say enough How amazing is Your love How can I keep from shouting Your name I know I am loved by the King And it makes my heart want to sing I will lift my eyes In the darkest night For I know my Savior lives And I will walk with You Knowing You'll see me through And sing the songs You give Chorus: I can sing in the troubled times Sing when I win I can sing when I lose my step And fall down again I can sing 'cause You pick me up Sing 'cause You're there I can sing 'cause You hear me, Lord When I call to You in prayer I can sing with my last breath Sing for I know That I'll sing with the angels And the saints around the throne I love this song! super meaningful. sing in all circumstances, for God is always there to help!

Saturday, October 18

Monday, October 13

Last time i prayed for a burden. Without much realisation, God gave me a big burden. My friends. This service i broke down, nothing to do with sermon. But the thought of the souls i will bring to heaven. I questioned myself, how many souls have i saved? The people i've brought to church, how many have stayed? None. Ansel? Keeps things to himself. i really dunno what to do, but to pray for him. These things are not up to me, only God has the ability to change this kinda circumstances, and only God can change ppl's hearts, i can't. The feeling of being responsible for the SOUL of my friends. You know how heavy is that burden? Then think again, how much God feels for ALL the lost souls in the WORLD? Shouldn't we continue saving? Should we even stop? When we stop evangelising, how many souls are lost? Many, i would say. Ask God for these kinda burdens, fill youe hearts with these burdens, see things through God's eyes, feel things with God's heartbeat. Think of how much God will feel. i bet u wouldn't sit there and do nothing.