Sunday, December 28

and also the care group covenants... 1) the covenant of affirmation and acceptance : I pledge to accept you no matter what you have done, are doing, or will do. I may not agree with your every action, but i will attempt to love you as a child of God and do all i can to express God's affirming love. I need you. 2) the covenant of feedback : I will attempt to mirror back to you what i am hearing you say and what you are feeling. If this means risking pain for either of us, I will trust our relationship enough to take the risk, realising it is in speaking the truth in love that we will grow up in every way into Christ who is the head. I will try to express this feedback in a sensitive and controlled manner, in keeping with the circumstances. 3) the covenant of honesty : i agree to strive to become more open and honest person, to share my true opinions, feelings, struggles, joys and hurts... as well as i am able. i will trust you with all my dreams and problems. 4) the covenant of sensitivity : even as i desire to be known and understood by you, i pledge to be sensitive to you and your needs to the best of my availability. i will try to hear you, see your point of view, understand your feelings, and draw you out of possible discouragement or withdrawal. 5) the covenant of availability: everything i have - time, energy, possessions - is at your disposal if you have a need... to the limit of my resources. as a part of this availability, i pledge to meet with you in this group on a regular basis. 6) the covenant of prayer : i promise to pray for you regularly. 7) the covenant of confidentiality : i would keep whatever is shared within the confines of this group. however i acknowledge that our pastor is the shepherd of the flock, and we need o be accountable to him. i vow not to push you to share things about yourself that you would prefer to keep undisclosed. this will be my covenant to the people around me, especially my care group members..

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