Wednesday, March 4

before last night, i was super scared about the results, tell i can't get to sleep well, keep thinking of how i will fare in A levels, bla bla bla.. just keep worrying and worrying.. i am just that kinda person who will think a lot de la.. so that night, the QT, i didn't read the bible, instead i prayed to God, cuz i was kinda worried, irritated, and many other frustrations.. As for the results, God assured me a lot.. Now, i really dun feel that worried or very anxious over it.. Yes, i care abt my results, but i am not anxious over it anymore.. But on that day, i wonder what will happen.. No matter how i score, i still wanna hold on to that trust i have in God, that He will provide a way.. There's this quote.. "When God closes a door, He leaves a window open.." valleys and mountains.. It's easy to trust in "mountains", i wanna learn to trust even more in times of "valleys"..

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