Friday, April 25

caregroup yesterday was fun and warm.. the games.. i feel that my reaction is super slow la.. michelle loo, why must u choose a game that requires reaction.. lol.. den worship.. wei en play until leg cramp/numb.. and he can't move.. ans we found another guitarist in our cg.. who is..... Zhu Yin!!! oya.. sermon-d we all shared our areas of sruggle/problems out, so that we all can work together and help one another to grow more.. almost everyone shared.. as seen below, the covenant of cg.. we really are covenanted to be honest, open and trust one another, that's why we shared.. after sharing each of our own problems, the others will then provide constructive feedback to one another.. the feedback was indeed useful.. i am trying to do what u all have suggested.. thnx ppl.. now that we know one another needs, let us encourage them in one way or another.. be it big or small actions.. every actions and thoughts counts.. and this is also why God gave us this family.. [Hebrews 3:13] - but encourage one another daily as long as it is called today. [From JC east A blog] the covenant of the cg:
we're Covenanted to affirm and accept one another; we're Covenanted to be available to one another; we're Covenanted to pray for one another regularly; we're Covenanted to be honest and open and trust one another; we're Covenanted to provide constructive feedback to one another; we're Covenanted to be sensitive to the needs of one another; we're Covenanted to maintain confidentiality within the cg;
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners -- of whom I am the worst. [1 Timothy 1:15]

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