Sunday, June 29

u all know the do-re-mi song rite? just now, when i was abt to sleep, this song came into my mind so i sang it to myself slowly.. it all makes sense to me after the line fa, a long long way to go.. Do, a deer, a female deer: - a deer is God, and female deer is me, who's after God.. Re, a drop of golden sun: - God created this earth, and added light in.. and also, to be christ-like, we have to be good salt and light... Mi, a name, i call myself: - this has nth much, it means Me, the female after God.. Fa, a long long way to run: - we have to persevere on, in order to complete this race, and wait patiently for God's return.. So, a needle pulling thread: - is like a shepherd guiding a sheep.. and then, the sheep is after God, who's christ-like cuz when u sew, the needle guides the thread, in order for the thread to be value-added.. La, a note to follow so: - bible is the word of God that we had to follow... Ti, a drink with jam and bread: - a necessity.. tea has to go with jam and bread... ya.. then after that, u all know another song which has all these notes? the... do mi mi, mi so so, re fa fa, la ti ti (x2) when u know the notes to sing, u can sing most anything... (x2) Do mi mi: - after God's heart, it's me who is after God's heart... Mi so so: - i had been shepherded and is changed by God, who places this shepherd to guide me along, and also God is my shepherd, that transformed my life, that value-adds me, when i obey Him. Re fa fa: - He created this world, He wants us to persevere to the very end, until His second coming. and also be good salt and light always, bringing glory to Him, every single day until His return. La ti ti: - Bible is God's word, and we have to follow it everyday.. and reading God's word is a necessity, and have to be as important as our food and our life like how tea has to go with the jam and bread... when u know the notes to sing, u can sing most anything: when u know what God is like, when u obey Him and all his words, anything is them possible.. u can do almost everything for you have God with you... This seems a little weird to link this nursery rhyme with God.. but that's what God showed me.. in the past when i sung this song, it's without any meaning.. But God chose to show it to me now.. haha.. i think it's super cool la..

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